Run your Coursera Jupyter Notebook locally

While completing the Coursera Deep Learning specialization, I started to wonder whether it would be possible to run the Jupyter Notebooks from the exercises on your local machine (or on a different server for that matter). I thought it would be convenient to: Have access after you’ve finished the course. Once you have finished the course, it would be interesting to still be able to read, run and experiment with the Notebooks from the course.

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Deep Learning Resources Github Repository

4 March 2018 Updated the table of contents to reflect latest updates: -Split Datasets and models into separate sections -Added a “Python Libraries” section for non-DL specific, yet useful Python libs" Exploring Deep Learning, you find lots and lots of resources both on- and offline and to keep track of those I have started to collect all the things I encounter in one place. You can find the overview on Github.

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Do Something That Scares You, Every Day

This post appeared first on LinkedIn on 15 February 2018. I started exploring machine and deep learning and decided to write down my experiences on For days, I doubted whether or not to publish and promote the simple blog I was writing. The design was too basic... It had too few articles... Just a few more and then... It wasn't perfect enough... A few days ago, I decided to publish it.

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What I learned: Deep Learning Specialization -

Course: Deep Learning Specialization By: Andrew Ng - (Stanford, Coursera, ex-Google Brain, ex-Baidu, Six years to the day - 15 August 2017 - after releasing his first Machine Learning course, Andrew Ng launched the Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera, with the ambitious goal: I hope we can build an AI-powered society that gives everyone affordable healthcare, provides every child a personalized education, makes inexpensive self-driving cars available to all, and provides meaningful work for every man and woman.

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Machine Learning Coursera - Andrew Ng

Course: Machine Learning By: Andrew Ng - Stanford (Coursera, ex-Google Brain, ex-Baidu,, Even if you are fairly new to machine/deep learning, chances are, you have already heared about Machine Learning Coursera from Andrew Ng. Since August 2011 1.8 million students have enrolled in this course, which was also Coursera’s first, and for many, it provides them with the first steps in the field. I personally started off with no real specific expectations other than to hopefully demystify the magic surrounding machine learning.

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Adventures in deep learning

"Artificial intelligence is the new electricity." (Andrew Ng) "Deep learning is eating the world." If those did not catch your breath, they sure did mine. While I have always had an interest in artificial antelligence and neural networks - having taken some classes at university in 2007, it sure has been a while since I have done anything remotely real with it. Even more so, it sure looks like machine learning has come a very long way since then as well.

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